Present – Mary McDermott, Derek Mawn, Cathy Mawn, Charlie Mawn, Peggy and Phil Bohan, Mark Fitzpatrick, Noel Murphy, Jim Gallagher and Jim Keaney
The 2019 Spring Dance was held on March 23rd at the ICC. Margaret Dalton and Erin’s Melody were great and everyone had a lively night.
Please remember in your prayers, Denis Keaney R.I.P., son of longtime member, Philomena Keaney, who recently passed away.
There are ongoing discussions on donating to the Leitrim Wall Fundraising Drive in the name of the Leitrim Society. If you are also interested, the website is:
Nominations were held on April 2nd, the following people have been nominated for board positions: President: Derek Mawn, Vice President: Jim Gallagher, Treasurer: Noel Murphy, Public Relations: Mark Fitzpatrick, Sergent at Arms: Phil Bohan, Membership Secretary: Mary McDermott, Recording Secretary: Cathy Mawn, Trustee: Jim Keaney, Trustee: Peggy Bohan, Corresponding Secretary: Nelba Fitzpatrick, and Honorary Chairman: Charlie Mawn.
Members need to renew their membership for 2019 for the Society. Dues remain the same- $20 per family and $10 per individual member.
The general election will take place at the May 7th meeting, with the swearing in of all newly elected board members. There will be appetizers at the meeting after the swearing is held.
The meeting will be held at the Adams Corner Cafe and Butcher Shop, 782 Adams Street, Dorchester, Ma. on Tuesday, May 7th, 2019 at 7:30pm. All are welcome to attend! We’d like to thank the Adams Corner Café for the generous use of the back room for our meetings. They have been gracious hosts and the food is outstanding! You can have an Irish breakfast (with homemade Irish sausage) for dinner!!