Present: Derek Mawn, Jim Gallagher, Noel Murphy, Cathy Mawn, Charlie Mawn, Mary McDermott, Jim Keaney and Bride McDermott
The Christmas Dance will be held Sunday December 8th from 4-8pm at the ICC in Canton. Entertainment will be provided by Kathy and the Irish Americans. For ticket information please contact Cathy Mawn at 617-549-3230. Remember, no tickets are sold at the door.
Donations for the raffle would be greatly appreciated!
Please remember in your prayers, as the holiday season approaches, the family of Phil Bohan, our Sergeant-at-Arms. He was a faithful and generous benefactor to the Leitrim Society along with his wife Peg, as well as just a lovely and cheerful man. He will be sorely missed
Members need to renew their membership for 2019 for the Society. Dues remain the same- $20 per family and $10 per individual member.
There will be no meeting in January as per usual. The next meeting will be held at the Adams Corner Cafe and Butcher Shop, 782 Adams Street, Dorchester, MA. on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 7:30pm. All are welcome to attend and most of us arrive early for dinner. We’d like to thank the Adams Corner Café for the generous use of the back room for our meetings. They have been gracious hosts and the food is outstanding! You can have an Irish breakfast (with homemade Irish sausage) for dinner!
Have a very safe & Happy Thanksgiving!